March and April Wellness Promotion
Wellness care is vital to the well being of your pet and preventing the onset of serious disease. Having your pet examined by your veterinarian is great but there is only so much that can be told by a physical exam. Tests such as blood work, urinalysis, and x-rays can give the doctor a window into your pet's body and a better idea of their overall health. This March and April, Bartels Busack Pet Hospital Resort & Spa is holding a wellness package promotion, if you bring your dog or cat in and have the following services performed:
- Exam
- Fecal Parasite Exam
- Preventative X-ray Screening
- Urinalysis
- Wellness Blood work
You will recieve the following:
- $100 off the cost of the tests
- A free bag of canine (OM, JM, or DH) or feline (EN, UR, DH, or OM)
- $5.00 coupon off your next purchase of a Purina Veterinary Diet
- $20.00 coupon off your next exam if done in the next 6 months
This is an overall savings of $150. In addition to your savings, for each wellness package performed, Purina will donate 6lbs of food to the Parma Animal Shelter.
This is a limited time offering, offer expires on April 30, 2015. Offer applies only to wellness care, if a pet is presented sick or injured package price is not applicable. Call the office for more details 440-845-7141